Thursday, November 1, 2012

Movie reviews and stuff

OK, I'm writing like a crazy person today.  Moe is not home yet.  Shake it off.  Had to get the Other Stuff discussed but now it's over.

Halloween was last night and it was pretty much awesome!  We had tortilla soup for dinner and even though I had to run away from my bowl constantly to answer the door, I was so happy!  The kids were cute and I like making people happy, even if they are begging, ungrateful, poor mannered stranger's children at my door.  Why oh why are you talking about this.  You said MOVIE REVIEWS, ADD-WOMAN!  Yes Yes I did. 

Best tip of the night was from a young fellow in a Furry costume of some sort.  He was let's say 13.  He loudly proclaimed, fairly randomly, that Scream 4 is THE BEST SLASHER MOVIE EVER!!!!!  Mkay.  This coming from a boy who may have seen a dozen 6 less than 5 horror movies ever.  I know, I used to be just like him.  But I'm not and he's funny.

Me & Database watched Poltergeist after.  It was the bomb-diggity night for Mr. & Mrs. Database, let me tell you.  Too bad I had to go to bed after the first hour.  Did Carol-Ann ever get saved?  WTF knows???

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