My wedding was really generally awesome and I wouldn't mind repeating the entire weekend. I still hear people tell me how much fun they had. The short version? We got married in Maine at a resort about 5 minutes away from our lake cabin. So we had the rehearsal & after party by the lake at our place. It was far enough that most everyone HAD to stay the weekend and the resort is majorly affordable to pretty much everyone and includes breakfast & dinner daily. And the food's not bad.
BUT there are always things that didn't work and that one would redo. And then there are the people who flake after the wedding and pretty much never talk to you again and you wish you could have made a better....well....anyway.
So I mentioned bridesmaids that flake or something. My maid of honor was / is my BFF so no regrets there. It was a great thing to have her by my side after all these years. Then I had my 2 sisters in law (to be) and family is a pretty safe gamble since you are stuck with them and they are cool chics. Then I picked 2 friends of mine who I love hanging out with. One lives in another state and I don't see her that much but I still love her just as much so no regrets. The other lives on my damn street and I see her like once a year. We hung out like every weekend or every other at one point and though we are both busier with our hubs and all now...we live on the same damn street! Not sure what happened but she just flaked on me after my wedding. Meh.
I would have picked differently and here's one big reason. The bachelor party for my husband (to be) involved alot of $$ spent on intoxicants and great revelry and well, it was a great night in the city. I wanted to go to the city as well and see Blue Man Group, eat a nice dinner, and then get righteously drunk somwhere closer to home (or have a driver or something). That's not what happened. But several gfs later said they would have TOTALLY made that happen.....GAHHH! So my redo will include a f'n kick ass party to end all parties. With a disco trolley!
My wedding shower was a lovely event - no changes except as I requested I WANT TO KNOW WHEN IT IS! It "had" to be a surprise so I wasn't told so I drank 4 bottles of wine (with a friend) the night before - not knowing it was the night before. I was dying DYING! And embarrased.
I would not change the venue or any of that since the overall weekend was one of the best in the history of ME. But I would meet the DJ in person next time to make sure he's not a leprechaun. Because if I'd known he was a leprechaun, I would have chosen a more better guy who was human. And who didn't lie about what he had and who didn't interpret "Bride of Texas Origin" to mean "Bride Who Wants Only Country Music".
OK I know that picture sucks but I didn't really try to take his photo. He was kinda scary. So that's what I would change. Wouldn't change my friends, family, or even my marriage to Mr. Database. He has turned out to be a wonderful husband & father to our Moe. I think I might even skip the wedding redo and just get the disco trolley!